Los 7 consejos de seobook para optimizar en buscadores

A continuación os dejo con una serie de consejos (en inglés), en total 7,  que te hace llegar seobook cuando te suscribes a su página. Os acercará un poco más al mundo de los motores de búsqueda.

Consejo 1: Como descubrir el valor de un «ranking» en Google
Would you like to know how much money you could make by getting to the top of Google for your chosen search term? In today’s lesson, I’ll you show you a great technique for finding out the current market value for a ranking, based on what other people are currently paying Google. Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/started-with-keywords.php

Consejo 2: Herramientas que nos ahorrarán tiempo para la búsqueda de palabras clave
Yesterday we discussed the precise targeting offered by keywords. But even if a keyword is valuable, it might not be valuable for your business.Today’s lesson discusses how to find keywords that will be valuable to your business. Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/keyword-research-strategies.php

Consejo 3 Como usar Adwords para descubrir el valor de las palabras clave
Setting up an effective SEO campaign can be a long drawn out and expensive process. Worse yet, if you are focused on the wrong keywords, you might need to start over again after you find out that your site is not producing the results you want. Today’s lesson shares a simple tip that can save you 12 months work and thousands of dollars. It involves using AdWords to test your market before defining your SEO strategy. Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/ppc-testing.php

Consejo 4: Como utilizar las palabras clave en tu página web
In November of 2003 Google did a major update to their search relevancy algorithms, which was known in the SEO community as the Florida update. That update marked the day that SEO became hard. Prior to that point in time, on page optimization tips from many SEOs would have sounded something like this «use your keywords heavily everywhere. But that update changed how on page optimization works. Today’s lesson discusses how to optimize your web pages for 2010 and beyond. Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/on-page-seo.php

Consejo 5: Un enlace vale 1000 palabras
Did you know that some major corporations have publicly admitted to using robots to write content for their websites? In today’s lesson we discuss that, and why Google puts so much weight on links. Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/link-1000-words.php

Consejo 6: Una manera fácil de conseguir enlaces fenomenales
In today’s lesson we discuss some great techniques for easily building quality links, and how to get the anchor text you want! Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/link-building.php

Consejo 7: Como crear contenido digno de ser enalzado
Here are some tips on creating webpages that other website will want to link to—to save you from having to do loads of legwork requesting links. Read it online at http://www.seobook.com/learn-seo/linkworthy-content.php




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